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Kick-off meeting in Greece

The kick-off meeting initiating AccessCoVE was held by the University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki, Greece. Project teams, staff, and experts from Greece, Sweden, Spain, and Italy participated in this meeting and discussed:

This is a photo on some of the participants were from the kick-off meeting in Greece in september 2023.
Some of the participants were from the kick-off meeting in Greece.

  • Appropriate measurable indicators for planned activities and deliverables.
  • The monitoring of general strategic and technical management compared to the project’s aims and objectives.
  • Monitoring the progress of research carried out and work done within WPs according to the project milestones, allocated resources and measurable indicators.
  • Evaluation of the scientific and technical content of deliverables and publications produced and applying changes to the work plan as a result of those findings if necessary.
  • Maintaining the project plan, identifying and handling troubleshooting technical or organizational problems.
  • Preparing (if and as required) proposals for changes in the project strategy to be discussed/adopted by the decision-making bodies.

Professor Jan Gulliksen is the project manager and senior researcher from KTH in the AccsessCoVE project. He works on usability and accessibility, user-centred systems design, digitalization, and digital work environments.

Dear Professor Jan Gulliksen, can you please tell us about your experience with the kick-off meeting of AccessCoVE in Thessaloniki at the University of Thessaloniki?

– By meeting the entire team of AccessCoVE, we got a flying start on the project and the challenges and opportunities for the project. Understanding the different conditions in the four countries provides great opportunities to learn from each other and share experiences. We got a flying start on our mission and now know much better how to use the different expert skills from the included organizations and countries.