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This section will grow with the project, sharing updates and insights on ongoing development from the partners of AccessCoVE.
- AccessCoVE is gaining attention in SwedenAccessCoVE is gaining recognition in Sweden for its work in establishing new professional roles in accessibility. In an article from the newspaper Funktionshinderpolitik, Jan Gulliksen, professor at KTH and part of the project, discusses the initiative to create accessibility training programs. Funktionshinderpolitik is a Swedish newspaper focused on disability policy and accessibility. It covers a… Read More »AccessCoVE is gaining attention in Sweden
- AccessCoVE at Universal Design Conference in OsloThe Universal Design Conference took place in Oslo from November 20–22, 2024. Experts, researchers, and policymakers gathered to explore how Universal Design can create a more inclusive society for everyone. KTH Royal Institute of Technology, a Swedish partner of AccessCoVE, was there to both listen and to raise awareness of the project in this forum.… Read More »AccessCoVE at Universal Design Conference in Oslo
- Kick-off meeting in GreeceThe kick-off meeting initiating AccessCoVE was held by the University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki, Greece. Project teams, staff, and experts from Greece, Sweden, Spain, and Italy participated in this meeting and discussed: Professor Jan Gulliksen is the project manager and senior researcher from KTH in the AccsessCoVE project. He works on usability and accessibility, user-centred… Read More »Kick-off meeting in Greece